Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Hard Part

So - a bit of spotting today. Don't know what that's about. It can be one of two things: absolutely nothing or threatened miscarriage. Guess where my mind immediately goes.

Later in the pregnancy, this isn't as bad because you can feel the baby move. I don't have that. I wanted to get a fetal doppler, but Brian thought it was a bit excessive. I have one that works after 28 weeks, but not until then. I have no way of knowing if the little person is still ok in there.

No pain. No heavy bleeding. I have to just assume the best and hope and pray. But you know me, assuming the best is against my nature in this case.

Just keep me in your thoughts while I try not to stress....stress won't help.


  1. I just saw this today--I hope that you're doing better. I'm sending prayers your way.

    love, Janelle

  2. Thinking of you, though I'm sure all is fine :) xx
