After thinking very carefully and considering this over the past few weeks, it has become clear to me that it is time to close this blog.
I have made some wonderful friends during this time and I am so grateful and appreciative for the amazing support system that formed around me; I feel so unworthy of so much love and support, but I am so incredibly happy and feel so loved by so many people.
However, the purpose of this blog was not only to mourn my losses, but to hope for the future. I feel as though God has given us everything we could ever hope for, and I feel as though continuing this blog would just be frivolous. However, some people have expressed an interest in continuing to follow my daily thoughts and ideas. I cannot guarantee that it won't be a blog completely devoted to my love of my daughters, but I will start a new one soon. When I do, I will post the link here so that, if you choose to, you can continue to follow our journey.
For those of you who have stopped by from ICLW - thank you! I could never have asked for a better community of friends and supporters and thank you just isn't strong enough to express how thankful I am that you took the time to read my blog and let me read yours. I see your stories and marvel at the strength and the love that all of you have. Please don't give up - I will continue to read your blogs, think of you, and pray for you every day!
Again, I cannot thank you enough for your love and support. I don't know what I would have done without this blog and the support of the community of readers. Words simply cannot express my gratitude or how much I hope that each and every one of you get every single wish and dream that you have ever desired. I love you all and I am blessed to have you in my life.
And so - unless you choose to join me at my new blog, thank you for all of your kindness, love and support. Otherwise, I hope to see you soon at: